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Introduction to Natural Language Understanding

Natural Language Understanding is a key component of Artificial Intelligence. Microsoft Azure’s Language Understanding (LUIS) is a cloud-based API service that applies custom machine-learning intelligence to a user’s conversational, natural language text to predict overall meaning, and pull out relevant, detailed information.

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Add Natural Language Understanding to your Apps

Tech Intcog enables you leverage LUIS to build natural language understanding into apps, bots and IoT devices. We can quickly create enterprise-ready, custom models which continuously improve.

Designed to identify valuable information in conversations, LUIS interprets user goals (intents) and distills valuable information from sentences (entities), for a high quality, nuanced language model. Language Understanding integrates seamlessly with the Speech service for instant Speech to Intent processing, and with the Azure Bot Service, making it easy to create a sophisticated bot.

Cognitive Services

Microsoft Azure’s Cognitive Services APIs for Language include:

  • Text Analytics: Evaluate sentiment and topics to understand what users want
  • Bing Spell Check: Detect and correct spelling mistakes in your app
  • Language Understanding: Teach your apps to understand commands from your users
  • Translator Text: Easily conduct machine translation with a simple REST API call
  • QnA Maker: Distill information into conversational, easy-to-navigate answers

Always Learning & Improving

Reinforcement learning is used to continuously improve the quality of the natural language processing models.

Once the model starts processing input, Language Understanding begins active learning, allowing you to constantly update and improve the model.

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